Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Impressions of NZ

Apparently its been snowing at home - what a shame! Mind you, the weather here has been very changeable. We borrowed Jo's car and drove into the hinterland to the driest area of NZ - and it rained!
Wed 4 Feb 09. Today Fraser invited us to his school's HUI - its the first general assembly of the new term. Firstly we were able to just walk into the school and wander around - why do we in the UK have to have such stringent security when its not necessary here? The age range in the primary school is 5 to 13years. It was very civilised. The head introduced teachers whose name had changed since the end of the last term thru marriage or divorce! They sang pop songs - no religeous affliation is allowed in schools here.

Impressions of NZ

Relaxed and friendly people.
There seems to be nothing outrageous here ( except in sports) - its all very normal.
Wooden houses with corrugated iron roofs or mobile home type metal tile roofs. Often houses are built on piles on cliff sides.
Its clean - no litter.
Overhead power lines - makes it look a bit like US.
Places on maps can be just two houses so you don't know you are there. You can drive 20miles thru nothing, come to a cafe then drive another 20miles thru nothing.
Smooth roads.
No gloss paint (except on cars).

Tomorrow we leave for Rarotonga, Cook Islands, and get there at 02.30, then have to get across the island to our hotel for the next two nights. Part 2 of the adventure begins.


  1. Just returned from amazing ski trip - best conditions ever. Will fill you in with more details on your return. Camper book is great - glad we're included in 5th generation VW. Love Maggie xx

  2. Told you that the Cooks are amazing!!!
    Now stop sitting in an internet cafe and go sit near a beach and enjoy it! The yacht club has a nice beach and restaurant, or did 7yrs ago.

  3. severn bridge was closed today because chunks of ice were fallig off it onto cars, so lyns was at home all day.
    and all i got for tea was heated up leftovers.
    meanwhile it takes more than 6 inches of snow to stop my car, whereas the people who live within walking distance of the hospital seem unable to make it in..... eh?

  4. All sounds wonderful. Just looking out on snowy garden here and apparently more to come. Baby not come yet - now overdue. Look forward to Cook Island pics. Enjoy ....

  5. Finally got on you blogspot! Fantastic info, you're doing a grand job. The weather here has taken a nose dive since you left. Warmish but overcast most days, which is a shame for Jo's neice who arrived after you guys. We loved having you and were sad to see you go. Enjoy the rest of ya hols and I agree with a comment above, get off the ruddy computer and keep going on the great out doors! Lots of love Jessica and family xx
